
Training in Research on Addictions in Interdisciplinary NueroAIDS (TRAIN)

Agency: NIH/NIDA
Agency Award Number: T32DA031098

 The aim of TRAIN is to prepare a steady state of four pre-doctoral students and two post-doctoral fellows in clinical neuropsychology for multidisciplinary academic careers focused on the central nervous system (CNS) effects of substance abuse and HIV infection. We will recruit a highly qualified and culturally diverse cohort of trainees that demonstrate promise toward achieving productive academic careers. The TRAIN program will emphasize research training in three primary, interrelated CNS outcomes, which were selected because of their salience and public health relevance as clinical features of HIV-infected substance abusers: (1) neurocognitive impairment (e.g., decision-making, memory); (2) everyday functioning (e.g., medication adherence, vocational outcomes); and (3) structural and functional neuroimaging (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging). Students and fellows will be actively engaged in individualized, flexible career development plans that will include applied research training, didactics (e.g., formal class work and structured seminars), and targeted clinical experiences.


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