Congratulations to Dr. Raeanne Moore on Receiving a Gilead Sciences Research Scholars Program Award

Dr. Moore received a Gilead Sciences Research Scholars Program award entitled, "Remote Sensing Technology to Improve Community-Based Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention Among Older Adults Living with HIV".  Her research interests and specialization includes HIV and aging, mHealth, neurocognition and everyday functioning, and positive psychological traits.


Examples of publications:

Moore RC, Kaufmann CN, Rooney AS, Moore DJ, Eyler LT, Granholm E, Woods SP, Swendsen J, Heaton RK, Scott JC, Depp CA.  (2016). Feasibility and acceptability of Ecological Momentary Assessment of Daily Functioning among older adults with HIV. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, Epub. Dec. 1. PMID: 28065496 

Moore R, Marquine M.  (2015). HIV and Aging. Sadock, Sadock and Ruiz (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 10th Edition.

Moore RC, Fazeli PL, Patterson TL, Depp CA, Moore DJ, Granholm E, Jeste DV, Mausbach BT.  (2015). UPSA-M: Feasibility and initial validity of a mobile application of the UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment. Schizophrenia Research, 164(1-3), 187-92. PMID: 25790903  PMCID: PMC4409538 


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